Thursday, September 9, 2010

Attention All Beyer Cross Country Athletes

Sierra Invitational:  The Sierra Invitational is September 11, 2010.  Please meet at Legion Park (behind the Modesto Airport) at 8:00 a.m.  We can meet at Beyer High School at 7:45 a.m., and caravan over.  It is nice to have chairs, water, cameras, lawn blacnket, etc.  We should be done by noon.  Please complete the permission form and bring it to the race.

MMC League Meet @ Gregori High School:  On Wednesday, September 15, 2010, the meet will take place at Gregori HIgh School.  We will meet in front of Beyer HIgh School and carpool over at 2:30 p.m.  All athletes should be dressed in their uniforms and be ready to go.  Always bring water and camp chairs are highly recommended, not to mention a tent would be greatly appreciated.  We will need drivers to bring our team from Beyer High School to Gregori High Scvhool.  Please fill out a parent driver form with a copy of your driver's license and insurance information and turn it into the student body office as soon as possible.

Lowell Invitational:  The Lowell Invitational will be on Saturday, September 18, 2010.  The bus will leave Beyer High School (in front) at 6:00 a.m.  Please bring sweats, warm blankets, etc., because it tends to be foggy and cold in the morning, then it should warm up a little.  If parents would like to do a picnic lunch or brinh food to share, that would be appreciated.  We would like to go for a warm down on teh Golden Gate Bridge and then head over to Pier 39 for a little while.  The athletes could eat there if they choose.  Please bring spending money for food, etc.  If parents would like to drive their athlete home, a driver's form clearned with the coach will be necesary if they are not going to ride the bus home.

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